Animal Stories

Short animal stories for kids. Funny Animal Stories For Kids, Best Animal Stories For Kids.

Baby Pig

Baby Pig

Baby Pig Story A pair of big brown eyes peek through the wooden fence in the barn. A young girl kneels in the hay and watches Mother Pig feed her new litter of piglets. The girl stays quiet. She counts the tiny tails — one, two, three . . . all the way up to…

Bear Cub

Bear Cub

Bear Cub Story As summer draws to an end, Mother Bear roams through the mountain forest, gathering and eating enormous amounts of berries and fruit. Mother Bear is putting on fat so she can sleep in her den the entire winter. The layer of fat will keep her warm and help her provide rich milk…

Farm Kitten

Farm Kitten

Farm Kitten Story Today is a special day! In a warm, quiet corner of the barn Mama Cat nestles in the hay and gives birth to five kittens. Mama Cat dries Farm Kitten and his sisters’ wet fur with her tongue. Even though their eyes aren’t open, the kittens use their sense of smell to…

Baby Kangaroo

Baby Kangaroo

Baby Kangaroo Story The red gum tree shades the Australian outback on warm afternoons. Kangaroos know this well, so they rest under the trees during the hot summer days. They lie on their sides, with their long legs stretched out behind them. One kangaroo does not want to take a nap. His name is Joey,…

Baby Penguin

Baby Penguin

Ark! Ark! At the frozen seaside, the penguins greet each other with a loud barking noise. Father Penguin returns from a swim in the sea. He builds up speed until he can leap out of the water and land on the ice. Then he shakes the water off his feathers. It is now Father Penguin’s…

Goat Kids

Goat Kids

Goat Kids Story Goat twins Billy and Nanny stand up in the hay as the farmer comes into the barn. The farmer always comes early in the morning to milk the mama goat. Today, when the farmer is finished, he pats Nanny and Billy. “You two will have to look after yourselves today,” the farmer…

The Duckling

The Duckling

It is summer, and Mother Duck is making a nest. In a clump of reeds near the edge of the pond, Mother Duck finds a hollow place in the ground. She lines it with grass and soft cattail stems. Mother Duck lays her nine smooth eggs. She plucks soft feathers from her breast to line…

Big Bunny Family

Big Bunny Family

Big Bunny Family Story Benny Bunny lived with his big bunny family in a cozy home in the forest. Benny had more brothers and sisters than you can count on all your fingers and all your toes. Benny was the very oldest. Benny felt crowded in his cozy forest home. No matter where he went,…

Little Lizard

Little Lizard

A baby lizard climbs out of her egg, buried beneath the sands of the tropical rain forest. She used a special tooth to break out of the hard shell of her egg. Now she must explore her surroundings. Little Lizard is a green iguana lizard, but her sharp claws and the scales along her back…